9620017272 / 9902927272


The programme consists of 4 semesters. We offer credit courses, Non Credit Courses and Class room Presentation & Assignment topics in each semester.

Semester: One Semester consists of 16 weeks.( 14 weeks Classes + 2 weeks End Term Examination)

1 Credit Course: one hour of class work in theory or Two hours of laboratory / field work in practical / Seminars per week for 14 weeks per credit

Yoga and communication is part of the programme, which continues over two years.

The classroom sessions are supplemented by corporate sessions, guest lectures, field sessions, live projects, workshops and many such activities which ensure that the participant remains in touch with the corporate environment and learns the practical applications of the acquired knowledge.

Total Number of Electives to be taken by a student is 21 credits in last two Semesters. The Electives, offered in the 2nd year, are of two categories:

  • Functional Area Specialization electives (FE) – One has to choose any two areas as Major And Minor.
  • Sector Specialization Electives (SE)- One has to choose any two areas as Major & Minor.

In Semester 3rd,. a student is required to take 10 credits electives (6+4) from any two of the six Functional Area Specialization Courses and in 4 th Semester 15 credits (9+6) from any two of the Five Sector Specific Specialization Courses, announced at the beginning of the respective Semester. In one specialization, minimum number of students required should be ten.

The degree will be awarded as PGDM-AFB.

In 4th Semester, the SSC courses will be treated as seminar courses, where students have to submit a report and evaluation will be done on the basis of that report. Students are allowed to visit industry or take some assignment in industry or attend the guest lecture organized by the institution for SSC.

This is an indicative curriculum design, however many other subjects and topics are also covered as per industry requirement.

First Semester Second Semester
Quantitative Techniques for Business Decisions Business Research Methods
Foundations for Agri Food Business Economic Analysis Business Legislations, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Management & Behavioral Process Business Communication & Ethics
Accounting & Financial Analysis Financial Management for Agri Food Business
Computer Application and MIS Human Capital Management in Agri Food Industry
Principles and Practices of Marketing in Agri Food Business Sales Management- Decisions, Strategies and cases
Production and Operations Management Banking Theory , Practices & Laws
Agriculture and Allied Science & Technology Logistic and Supply Chain Management in Agri Food Business
Fundamentals of Food Science & Technology Agri Input Technology and Management
Processing of Food Commodities

Third Semester Fourth Semester
Live Industry Project Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance
Retail Revolution and Management Sector Specific Specialization
Business Policy ,Strategic Analysis and Corporate Evolution Major
Agri and Rural Marketing Management Elective -1
Functional Area Specialization Elective- 2
Elective 1 Minor
Elective 2
Elective 3 Elective 3
Elective 4 Elective 4
Elective 5
Elective 6
Elective 7
Elective 8
Elective 9

# In addition to these above mentioned credit courses, we have more than 30 non credit courses and one Rural Area Project, Company visits, Presentations Series, Guest Lectures and many other activities.

# We also provide advance technical training by some reputed institution like CFTRI, DFRL, etc.

# The syllabus can be changed as per requirements of industries any time during the year.